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Friday, March 4, 2011


Did you know that there are three common hand gestures that we always use in daily conversation? what are the three type of common hand gestures?

Here, we go!


3. V- SIGN

So,lets move on the details.

what is meant by THE RING??
Generally, this kind of hand gesture has been popularized in USA during early 19 century by newspaper that used initial to shorten common phrases. However, there are many version of interpretations of initials 'OK' which originally means 'all correct' that often mispelled as 'oll korrect'  while some people interpret it as opposite of 'knock out' or 'KO'. There is also another popular popular that it is a short form of 'Old Kinderhook' which is taken from the birthplace of a 19century American president who used this initial as a campaign slogan. In addition, it is so obvious that the ring itself represent the letter "O" on "OK" signal. In Paris, they interpret it as 'Zero' or 'Worthless' but in Japan, it means 'money'. However, in some Mediterranean country, it is an orifice signal often used to infer that  a man is homosexual.

  so, How's about THE THUMB-UP??
For some places that have strong influence of British influence like Australia, USA, and New Zealand, the thumb-up gesture means :
  • hitch-hikers who are thumbing a lift, it means OK signal
  • when the thumb is jerked sharply upwards it has different meaning which show insult, meaning 'Up Yours' or 'Sit on this'.
  • for some countries like Greece, if the thumb is thrust forward and it means 'get stuffed'!
However, when European counts from 1 to 5, they use thumb up to show 'One', the finger index become 'Two' meanwhile English speaker starts count 'One' on index finger and 'Two' on middle finger.

lastly, we move on to THE V-SIGN!

The sign is common in Australia, New Zealand as well as Britain which carry meaning of 'up yours'. The "V for Victory sign" has been popularized by Winston during world war 2, but his two-fingered version was done with the palm is facing out, whereas palm faces towards the speaker for the obscene insult version. In part of Europe, the palm-facing-in version still means victory. This signal also has been used by European to represent number 2, and if the insulted European was a bartender, his response could be to give an Englishman, American or Australian 2 mugs of beers.

before, i end, Lets watch some useful video to enhance our understanding. Enjoy!!

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